Dave's Family History



Latitude: 57.740093, Longitude: -7.222798


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Anderson, Josiah  Abt 1855Scotland I3952
2 Anderson, Robert  Abt 1857Scotland I3953
3 Bowman, Thomas Gordon  Abt 1847Scotland I800
4 McKenzie, Alexander Leith  Abt 1829Scotland I2494
5 McKenzie, De_Francis  Abt 1819Scotland I220
6 McNair, James  Abt 1791Scotland I250
7 Thomson, Jane  Abt 1854Scotland I2812
8 Todd, Alice (Alison)  7 Sep 1923Scotland I6359


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 MacKay, George Wheatley  1892Scotland I2434