Ruth's Family History


Matches 1 to 50 of 6977

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S424 1841 Census - Arundel, Hannah
2 S423 1841 Census - Arundell, George
3 S1580 1841 Census - Bailey, Abraham & Hannah
4 S922 1841 Census - Baker, John & Hannah
5 S1574 1841 Census - Baker, Martha
6 S6315 1841 Census - Bannister, Thos
7 S4702 1841 Census - Barker, William & Ann
8 S5934 1841 Census - Boden, Thomas & Susannah
9 S2187 1841 Census - Bowen, Mary
10 S1916 1841 Census - Brereton, John & Mary
11 S4317 1841 Census - Brooks, George & Alice
12 S2196 1841 Census - Buckley, Joannah nee Yoxall
13 S7198 1841 Census - Buckley, Thomas & Mary
14 S415 1841 Census - Chantler, Margaret
15 S1261 1841 Census - Child, Isaac
16 S416 1841 Census - Coope, Peter & Jane
17 S1483 1841 Census - Critchley, Ann
18 S858 1841 Census - Cullis, Buckley & Mary
19 S5886 1841 Census - Cullis, James & Sarah
20 S789 1841 Census - Cullis, John & Sarah
21 S2921 1841 Census - Cullis, Laban & Maria
22 S787 1841 Census - Cullis, William & Sarah
23 S4402 1841 Census - Davenport, Ellen nee Yoxall
24 S1589 1841 Census - Davis, Thomas & Rebecca
25 S618 1841 Census - Daynes, John & Hannah
26 S6048 1841 Census - Dodd, Benjamin & Eliza
27 S6507 1841 Census - Ducket, William & Elizabeth
28 S372 1841 Census - Duckett, John
29 S6506 1841 Census - Duckett, John & Sarah
30 S5252 1841 Census - Duckett, Mary
31 S6364 1841 Census - Dunn, Ann nee Burrows
32 S418 1841 Census - Dunn, John & Alice
33 S2514 1841 Census - Evans, George & Fanny
34 S1922 1841 Census - Evans, William & Sarah
35 S4618 1841 Census - Fletcher, Joseph & Hannah nee Gleave
36 S3744 1841 Census - Forrest, William
37 S4983 1841 Census - Garner, William
38 S5082 1841 Census - Gill, Samuel & Lucy
39 S1485 1841 Census - Gleave, Ellen & Elizabeth & Yoxall, Jane
40 S1484 1841 Census - Gleave, William
41 S762 1841 Census - Greenhalgh, Thomas & Mary
42 S374 1841 Census - Hartley, Samuel & Alice
43 S558 1841 Census - Harvey, Charles & Elizabeth
44 S1263 1841 Census - Harvey, William & Hannah
45 S1264 1841 Census - Hayes, Joseph & Mary
46 S408 1841 Census - Headley, Mary
47 S1420 1841 Census - Henshall, Hannah
48 S919 1841 Census - Isherwood, John & Alice
49 S373 1841 Census - Isherwood, Mally
50 S2630 1841 Census - Isherwood, Teddy & Nelly

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