Administration Info

These notes were written June 2023 when I gave the website a refresh.

I chose Kadence as the Theme and Kadence Blocks to edit it.

Dave Simpson – June 2023

Title Font changed to Orange [Header, Logo, Design, Site Title Font]
Sticky Header for Main Row [Header, Sticky Header, Enable Sticky Header, Yes – Only Main Row]


Created a Footer menu with link to Login Page
Changed layout so 3 cols – middle one wider, Footer Navigation in Left, Copyright in middle/
[Footer, Click gearwheel on bottom row and change column layout]


Content Max Width: 1900px
Content Left/Right: 2.02px

Sidebar width: 20%
Enable Sticky Sidebar: Yes
Design:– Widget Titles – changed 20px to 12px

Scroll to top: Yes, 1st icon, Align: Right

Page Layout [Posts/Pages Layout, Page Layout]

All default except:
Title Container Min Height: 50px

Default Page Layout:
Right Sidebar
Page Default Sidebar” Sidebar 1

Site background – set to image and select image

Default Page
I created a blank page called -Empty Page
Then I modified it to look how I wanted.
When needing a new page I just took a copy of it and renamed it.

Plug-ins in use

All Plug-ins
Same list as above but includes a couple that are kept for future use but are currently deactivated.

How some of the plugins are used.

Advanced Editor Tools
Because I hd used these when creating the original site, some of the features, mainly Tables, were still needed, therefore the plugin was retained.

Advanced iFrame
I want to dispense with this but it used to embed TNGRS and TNGDS within the pages. If I decide to use the Kloosterman method, I will delete it.

Block Navigation
I have disabled this and as yet found no problems.

Custom Sidebars
Allows the creation of extra sidebars beyond those provided by the Theme.

PHP Code Widget
Used to excute PHP code. Used on Sidebar 1 on Home page to display last page updated.

Popup Anything
Used to allow pop-up images on pages – mainly used on Pender part of the site.

Simple Site Map
This creates an indented site map.
It creates a menu called Sitemap
You then populate as required – it is not automatic.
If you create an indented structure then that will be displayed correctly.

Used to reduce the size of images.
Manually ran it with existing media. Will automatically handle new uploads.

WP Data Access Premium
Allows you to access data from external databases e.g. TNG. Not currently in use.

WP Photo Album Plus
Allows you to create gallerys and picture shows.
I think that currently it is only being used on the Home page.
Want to see if I can use FooBox to do the same thing.

WP Forms Light
Used to create the Contact Us form